Free Communication 3
11.50 – 13.05
Free Communiation 3 (FC3):
Chairs: Kathy Zug, Mette Sommerlund
Hand eczema, skin barrier function and skin microbiome among waste sorting workers in Norway
Jose Hernan Alfonso
Contact allergy to screening allergens in adult type 1 diabetes patients
Thanisorn Sukakul
Contact allergy to medical device-related allergens in adults with type 1 diabetes
Martin Mowitz
Relevance of contact allergy to different groups of allergens
Robert Ofenloch
Is it possible to design a study in consecutive dermatitis patients to pin-point or rule out patch test sensitization
Marléne Isaksson
AI Implementation and Regulation: What’s next? A US perspective
James Taylor
Interference of the positioning of Nickel, Chromium and Cobalt in the results of patch tests
Ida Duarte
Determining a point of departure for skin sensitization quantitative risk assessment of fragrance ingredients using the GARDskin dose-response assay
Isabell Lee
WS-Raum 1