Focus Session 1
10.05 – 11:20
Focus Session 1 (FS1):
Molecular profile of hand eczema
Chairs: Anna Quaade, Florentine de Boer
Transcriptomic profiling of chronic hand eczema skin across subtypes
Anna Sophie Quaade
Stratum corneum levels of immunological markers in patch test reactions to contact allergens and sodium lauryl sulphate
Florentine de Boer
Stratum corneum levels of filaggrin degradation products in patch test reactions to contact allergens and sodium lauryl sulphate
Ivone Jakasa
Eczema or psoriasis – New results of a cohort study using molecular diagnostics in hand dermatoses
Philipp Bentz
Transcriptional differences between vesicular hand eczema and atopic dermatitis
Angelique Voorberg
Großer Saal