Friday, September 6th 2024
Program Overview
Großer Saal (2.OG)
9:00-10:00 a.m.
Plenary 3:
New perspectives in eczema treatment: biologicals, small molecules and patient related outcomest
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10:05-11:20 a.m.
Hot topic 2:
Urticaria and atopic eczema
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11:20-11:50 a.m. Coffee break
11:50 a.m.-
1:05 p.m.
FS 9: Type I
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1:05-2:00 p.m.
Lunch break
2:00-3:00 p.m.
Plenary 4:
Patch test: Legal aspects, Regulations and patch in patch testing and -legal aspects, labelling/regulation and availability of patch test materials
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3:00-3:05 p.m.
Session Change
3:05-4:20 p.m.
FS11: Drugs
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4:30-6:00 p.m.
ESCD general assembly (members only!)
Kleiner Saal (1.OG)
10:05–11:20 a.m.
FS 7: Reisins and Acrylates
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11:50 a.m.-
1:05 p.m.
FS 10: Metals and Implants
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3:05-4:20 p.m.
FS 12: Occupational contact dermatitis
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WS-Raum 1 (2.OG)
10:05-11:20 a.m.
FS 8: Textiles, footwear
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11:50 a.m.-1:05 p.m.
FC3: Title to be announced shortly
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1.15-02:00 p.m.
3:05-4:20 p.m.
Edu 2: How to patch test individual substances
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WS-Raum 2 (2.OG)
1:15-2:00 p.m.
Symposium AbbVie
WS-Raum 7 (EG)
1:00-2:00 p.m.
Advisory board Contact Dermatitis